Communications Branch
Duties: •Oversee Communications Branch positions •Lead Branch meetings •Provide updates/reports on Branch progress •Attend and help organize other Communications Branch events and projects
Duties: •Promote ECCO events •Maintain ECCO communications spreadsheet •Create and disseminate ECCO Updates •Attend and help organize other Communications Branch events and projects
Duties: •Run ECCO’s Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram by pulling info from Free Skool calendar and ECCO communications spreadsheet •Create and disseminate Member Spotlight •Attend and help organize other Communications Branch events and projects
Duties: •Update the ECCO website weekly •Update the Calendar on the website •Coordinate other Exec Board members to provide content for the website and to connect with other aspects of ECCO
Duties: •Collect and archive ECCO happenings •Create a “scrapbook” to display ECCO happenings •Attend and help organize other Communications Branch events and projects